Wednesday 21 December 2022

Battlefields - Kill Team Day 1

In our opening battles the Eldar were victorious in the dark corridors for the Gallowdark, managing to siphon the power then needed and secure the conduits.

The Necrons narrowly won of the Veteran Guardsman on Octarius with both teams unable to secure any fuel, relying on securing the battlefield instead.

On Calnath the Plague Marines dominated in a bloody battle which saw the Hunter Cadre loser their exmplar and ultimately be almost wiped out.

The Plague Marines moved to Moroch and took on the Necrons in battle that tested both sides to the full as they tried to secure the remote outpost. Despite the best efforts of both teams neither were able to achieve their objectives and withdrew, settling for a draw.

Back on Octarius the Salamadar Space Marines managed to out manoeuvre the Hunter Cadre and secure just enough fuel to take what was an important victory.

Which the ruins on the battlefields of Calnath still smoking from battle the Eldar beat the Veteran Guardsman by the narrowest of margins to gain their second victory. The guard used all the tactics they had including some precise airstrikes. They had fought well and despite the bravery of the Eldar exemplar which lead to his death on the field, just couldn't secure the battlefield.

The final standings after day one were...

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