Saturday 18 May 2024

League Cup

Our first Pokemon TCG League Cup in the new play space will be happening tomorrow at KD Games. Here are the details...

Date: Saturday 18th May 2024

Entry: £15

Players : Maximum of 16 (across all age bands)

Time: Registration from 9:30pm - 10:00am

First round begins at 10am

Expected finish for swiss rounds is 3pm (3/4 rounds)

Top cut will finish later (up to 3 more rounds)

Tournament Structure: Standard Format, Best of 3, 50 Minute Rounds

Decklists will be required

Prizes: Each player will receive a minimum of 3 packs! (one Temporal Forces, one series 4 prize pack and 1 series 3 prize pack. This is a competitive event therefore Championship Points are also available depending on tournament size and placement!

Top placed players will receive additional prize packs. The winner of each age group will get a playmant.

Event is suitable for anyone over 8 years old that has a legal standard deck and a good knowledge of the rules.

The event will be held in our new shop which is 32a High Street in Shoreham and is directly opposite the old one.

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