Sunday 16 May 2021

Magic the Gathering In Store

From Monday 17th May, we will be once more able to have people in the store playing games. Initially this will be limited to just 4 players. The reason for this is that the Rule of 6 indoors is currently a legal requirement and for us to be able to maintain social distancing we only have space for 2 tables of two. 

In addition to the low capacity we are currently not running sanctioned FNM events as these are currently still on hold. We will continue to offer FNM at home using the Spelltable system.

With all of this in mind we will be running two casual events next week. One on Friday which will be 'Standard' format and one on Saturday which will be a sealed 'Post' release for Kaldheim.

Friday's event will start at 7pm and will last for 3 hours. It will consist of three rounds of best of three games which will last 50 minutes per round. It will only be open to 4 players. You must book online to secure your place. The cost of the event will be £6 per player and each player will receive 2 boosters for playing. (One Strixhaven and one from another standard set). There will be no official prize packs for this event. Both tables will have screens in place and hand gel available and players must wear face masks when not seated.

Saturday's event will start at 2pm and will last for 4 hours. It will be open to just 4 players and again will need to be booked online. The event will cost £20 per player for which they will receive one pre-release pack for Kaldheim which they will use to create a deck for the event and a further 2 boosters at the end of the event. 

Both events will be announced on Discord once they go live.

We will review MTG play in store and announce events for the following week on Saturday.

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