Tuesday 17 September 2024

Life in Reterra


Not long from now, the world as we know it is an overgrown memory — and though the world has changed, we've changed with it, using anything we can find to build a new way of living.

Life in Reterra is a (re)building game, and it's up to each player to build a community of their own. To set up, choose one of three ready-to-play themed building sets, or put together a set of your own. Each set consists of five building cards, with associated building tiles for each card.

Each player starts with one square land tile in play. Each land tile is divided into a 2x2 grid, with one of five types of terrain in each grid space; a space might also hold a gear icon or one of four types of relics. Players also have three land tiles in hand, and five land tiles are displayed face up.

On a turn, choose a land tile from your hand or the display, then add it to your community, which can be at most four tiles on each side. When the tile has a gear, you can either place an inhabitant from the reserve on this gear or place a building tile in your community...but each part of the building must be supported by a gear and all of these gears must be on the same type of terrain.

After you have a building in play, you gain the power of the building card and can use it once on each of your subsequent turns. Maybe you can place relic tokens for additional points, place additional inhabitants, junk an opponent's relics, or score for building large sections of a terrain or having more of a building than anyone else.

Once everyone has sixteen tiles in their community, players score for what they've built, earning points for blocks of terrain of at least seven spaces, surrounded energy sources (which are a special type of tile), inhabitants, relics, and buildings.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

White Dwarf 504 – A Cornucopia of Kroot Content

The Vespid Stingwings may be fluttering around and catching everyone’s attention at the moment, but Kroot Mercenaries have taken up residence in White Dwarf to show they’re still the business. Issue 504 is available to pre-order on Saturday, featuring our favourite carnivorous commandos on the cover.

The Kroot love smaller scale engagements, where they can make greater use of their hunting skills. Rules for Na’Pok’s Hunters let you bring your meat-munching mercenaries to games of Combat Patrol.

On top of that, there are rules for fielding whole armies of Kroot in Crusade games, where they bind themselves to a pact in order to further their own agenda – no matter the cost. When times are lean, Kroot tribes may clash over hunting grounds, and rules for Predators and Prey missions let you work out territorial disputes while scoring some big game trophies – and lots of delicious flesh – in the process.

Over in the Mortal Realms, Flashpoint Moulderhunt continues into its second instalment with a two-player campaign that pits the Astral Templars stormhost against the abhorrent menageries of the Clans Moulder, with special rules that amp up the narrative feel.

Warcry warbands are heading to the Ravaged Coast in Aqshy in pursuit of treasures left by larger forces battling across the land where the Gnaw and the Great Parch meet. New quests, traits, exploration tables, and artefacts provide everything you need for a nautical adventure.

This issue brings a conclusion to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar portion of The Tale of Four Warlords with a massive four-player extravaganza on one epic table. The Bunker features new monthly missions on top of a brand new way to play Kill Team via rapidly changing objectives, and a Spearhead tactics 101. Finally, preparations for the battle of the Ollanz cluster continues apace as the six participants show off their mighty 3,000-point armies ready to fight in the Beta-Garmon campaign.

You can pick up your copy of White Dwarf from KD Games. 

Content taken from warhammer-community.com