As part of our recent Battlefield week we ran our first Pokemon Go Tournament. We had six players and we used the Great League format. The players and their teams were as follows...
Jake: Roselia 1500cp, Absol 1496cp, Hypno 1496cp,
Machamp 1495cp, Tentacruel 1495cp Vigoroth 1495cp
Alula: Blastoise 1388cp Snorlax 1373cp Raichu 1378cp
Persian 1225cp Togedemaru 1209cp Torracat 1120cp
Ian: Tyranitar 1499cp Charizard 1496cp Ludicolo 1495cp
Stunfish 1494cp Breloom 1489cp Aerodactyl 1484cp
Olly: Charizard 1372cp Manitine 1499cp Snorlax 1454cp
Jolteon 1425cp Armadilo 1341cp Aerodactyl 1337cp
Barnaby: Charizard 1494cp Zebstrika 1491cp Aerodactyl 1487cp
Blastoise 1476cp Lapras 1476cp Hitmonchan 1470cp
Ren: Raichu 1486cp Aerodactyl 1471cp Celebi 1417cp
Lapras 1406cp Golem 1485cp Toxicrok 1467cp