Tuesday, 11 March 2025

TNT - Kill Team League

Our Tuesday Night Tabletop events for the next 8 weeks will be Kill Team. We played our first games last week but there is still time for players to join us.

The plan is that everyone will play each other just the once and hopefully on different Kill Zones. Players will score 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 for a loss. At the end of the event there will be a trophy for the winner and certificates for the top 3, most sporting player and best painted team.

In addition there will be some token packs available for the top 3.

In the first week there were 8 players...

Aaron played Mandrakes against Kevin's Noviates. The final score was Aaron 23 - Kevin 4

Hazy played Vespids against Vince's Hand of the Archon. The final score was Hazy 14 - Vince 8

Richard played Legionaries against Nick's Ratlings. The final score was Richard 11 - Nick 6

Gary's Blades of Khaine played against Rob's Noviates. The final score was Gary 20 - Rob 13.

So after the first week, the league standings are as follows, Aaron's Mandrakes are currently in the lead...

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