To celebrate we will be running some special events over the weekend both in the shop on Saturday and at Gambit Games on Sunday!
First up we have BIOTIX at the special introductory price of just £10. Have a look at our blog on the game ...
Next we have LUCHA JEFE at £7 - Grey Fox Games has partnered with Geek & Sundry to bring you a brand new microgame for International Tabletop Day 2017! In Lucha Jefe, players become luchador managers going head to head to recruit the best fighters and maintain the best record. You never know who your opponent will bring to the ring, so out-thinking them will be the key to victory. Each round players will secretly choose which luchadors will be active, which will be sidelined, and which will be retired. If your fighter can best your opponent’s fighters three times, you win and earn the title of Lucha Jefe!
For anyone that plays Zombicide we have a limited Lea the Teenager Figure for sale at just £15
As well as these special weekend exclusive offers we will have a couple of special events...
For MTG as part of the DRAFT WEEKEND we will be offering players a chance to get one of these very special playmats...
The draft event will cost £12 per player and in addition to the playmat all players will get an extra booster after the event has finished as well as a draft weekend promo card. There will be two events one on Saturday at midday and one on Sunday at 3pm.
For Dice Masters we will be offering the chance for one lucky player to get hold of a Squirrel Girl. We will be running a rainbow draft on Sunday as part of Gambit Games and in addition to this special first place price all players will get some promotional cards. (More details of the sets that we will be drafting and the promo cards that will be available will be announced on a separate blog entry!)
For Heroclix we have some great promo items to give as prizes for anyone playing in a Battle Royal this weekend including a KINGDOM COME HAWKMAN
For Force of Will we have some promo cards that were formally a Valentines Day offer, which will be handed out to anyone that plays a game during the two days!

We also have some great items to give away!!!
We have sample versions of the popular games Dobble, Timeline and Cortex from Asmodee which you are free to pick up from either event.
Some special additional cards for the game Fluxx featuring some of the names you know from the show!
We have some special International Table Top Day tokens (one per person) which again are completely free and are great for using in D&D or other roleplaying games.
For those that play Aeons Endor Castle Panic we have some special Table Top Day items (please only take these if you have the game or are thinking of buy it as there are not many of them)
For those of you that play some of the Mayfair Games we have a range of special expansions for you to choose from.
For players that have the game UNLOCK we will have a special free mini adventure.
For players that have the game UNLOCK we will have a special free mini adventure.