It is the Breakpoint Prerelease today and tomorrow, I thought we would have a quick look at some of the cards...

Golduck BREAK
Golduck BREAK (18/122) doesn't come with an attack, but it does have an Ability that could be useful in many decks. Hyper Transfer lets you move basic Energy around among your Pokémon as much as you'd like during your turn. With this flexibility, you'll be able to get any of your Pokémon ready to attack much quicker.

Gyarados-EX (114/122) can rapidly power itself up with Water Energy by using its Stormy Seas attack (based on a few lucky coin flips). Then, once it has the Energy needed, it can unleash its 130-damage Splash Burn attack. Splash Burn also dings your own Benched Pokémon a little, so be ready to heal them after using Splash Burn a few times.

M Gyarados-ex
All that Water Energy you've attached to Gyarados-EX gets put to good use once it evolves into Mega Gyarados-EX(115/122). Its Blast Geyser attack can do extra damage for each Water Energy attached to it! And at 240 HP, Mega Gyarados-EX can withstand some stormy situations.

Manaphy-EX (116/122) is a great option for any deck that features Water-type Pokémon. Its Aqua Tube Ability removes the Retreat Cost of any Pokémon with Water Energy attached to it, and its Mineral Pump attack can heal all of your Benched Pokémon in addition to doing 60 damage. Support, healing, and damage—Manaphy-EX can do it all.

Greninja BREAK
Slice your opponents with the awesome power of Greninja BREAK's (41/122) Giant Water Shuriken Ability. Just by discarding a Water Energy from your hand, you can drop 6 damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokémon. An attack with that effect would be pretty an Ability, it's spectacular.

Confound your opponent with Espeon-EX (117/122) and its Miraculous Shine attack! This attack devolves each of your opponent's evolved Pokémon, returning the highest Stage Evolution card to his or her hand. This is particularly effective against Mega Evolution Pokémon—without a Spirit Link, re-evolving one of these Pokémon will end your opponent's turn.

Trevenant BREAK
Trevenant BREAK (66/122) brings a terrifying attack: for just 1 Psychic and 1 Colorless Energy, Silent Fear lets you put 3 damage counters on every single one of your opponent's Pokémon. Trevenant BREAK also has a solid 160 HP, putting it into the range of many Pokémon-EX.

Fighting Fury Belt
Pump up your Basic Pokémon with the Fighting Fury Belt (99/122) Pokémon Tool card. It gives a boost to your Pokémon's HP and the amount of damage its attacks will do. Remember that most Pokémon-EX are Basic Pokémon, so Fighting Fury Belt will work on them, too!
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