What is Pokémon League!
A Pokémon League provides a nearby place for you to get together with other fans of both the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games, and have some fun. Using your own cards and Pokémon video games, you can play, trade, and even earn cool prizes! The best part is that you can do all this with other Pokémon players who love collecting and playing just as much as you do.
Even if you don’t know all the rules of the game, at a League you can learn game basics and, in no time, perfect your strategy! Joining a League is the best way to hone your skills to compete in Pokémon tournaments, from League Challenges all the way up to the World Championships.
Shoreham Leagues are held on Tuesday at the Royal George on the Holmbush Roundabout and on Thursdays at the Shoreham Centre in Pond Road - both leagues start at 4:00pm and finish at 6:00pm and cost just £2 per person!.
If you want to come along then simply head to which ever event you fancy and start playing!!!
2014 League Cycle: XY Challenge
When each season begins, you’ll receive a score card. As you participate in League events, you’ll use this card to keep track of your League matches. If you play in enough matches and track them on your scorecard, you’ll earn special code cards for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online! And, if you meet more specific goals, you can even earn exclusive awards! The scorecard will look like this:
Participation includes playing Pokémon TCG games, playing Pokémon video game matches, completing activities, and trading cards.
Get a glimpse of the XY Challenge Cycle scorecards as they become available below.
Chespin Season
Fennekin Season
Froakie Season
Xerneas Season
Yveltal Season
Just getting started?
The first step to participating in Play! Pokémon events like League is to set up a Pokémon Trainer Club account! Once you have set up your Pokémon Trainer Club account, you will be able to track the events you are attending and earn Player Rewards, Championship Points, and Play! Points.
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